Well, I seemed to have joined the silent ranks of those in the Almost-Thirty-Club. I have reached 26, an age which is no longer closer to 20, but closer to thirty instead. But after much contemplation, I have come to terms with the age I once dreaded. I had an amazing day, and overall--I think it's going to be a good year.
I sent Maya to work with Matt for a few hours so I could sneak away to the nail salon to get a pedicure and manicure. I couldn't understand one word the nail guy was saying, but he did a great job and even drew some pretty flowers on my toes while I sat in the massage chair.
After Matt got off work we headed downtown to the Cheesecake Factory. Traffic wasn't too terrible and we made it down there in a record time of 25 minutes (amazing if you've ever experienced the traffic in Honolulu). Of course Matt made sure he told them it was my birthday while I was gone, so there was a whole crew of people I didn't know singing and a silly little scene in the middle of the restaurant. But it was pretty fun and the Cheesecake was divine.
The girls were so excited to give me their own cards that they had picked out and decorated. Skylar got to practice her writing skills and couldn't wait for me to see it. The card read: "Mommye, I luv you so so so. You are so luvley. Luv, Skylar" and was one of my favorite presents. The girls went shopping with their Daddy and he had sworn them to secrecy over the past few weeks(something very hard to do, especially for Maya). They had done so great in not spilling the beans the entire week, and right before I opened the last present, Maya exclaimed "Okay, it's time for your last purse present mama!" And whaddya know--indeed there was a purse inside.
Hip Hip Hooray for TWENTY-SIX!